Summer is Coming to Northern Virginia: Will Your Car Be Ready?

Where has the time gone? It seems just yesterday the good drivers of northern Virginia were concerned with winterizing their vehicles, and now: Memorial Day is upon us. That means barbecues, and tailgates, and summer vacation. And that’s not all it means: Collectively, cars and trucks account for nearly one-fifth of all U.S. emissions, emitting around 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other global-warming gases for every gallon of gas. Some of this could be prevented if everyone kept their cars running efficiently. Summer means heat, and dust, and lots of stop-and-go traffic, all of which can take a hefty…

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Winter Auto Repair and Maintenance – Chantilly VA

With the winter months upon us, many wonder if their auto repair needs any additional servicing or maintenance. You may notice a difference in how your car sounds when idling, or how it starts in the cold morning or even the tire pressure fluctuations. Yes, winter car maintenance is key… not only to prevent problems but to keep little problems from becoming monstrous and expensive headaches. Rich White, executive director of the Car Care Council states, “Winterizing your vehicle before the temperatures drop is a wise idea. An investment of an hour or two to have your vehicle checked is…

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Why Choose Mechanic Service over Dealership Service

This question is so frequently asked by car owners and oftentimes is not easy to answer as not every dealer and repair shop is made equal. As cars become increasingly more technically savvy, many would believe their dealer to be the expert on the parts needed and the equipment used. Sure, this might be true, and there once was a time that the dealership was your only option. But that’s not so anymore. As competition for work and maintenance on newer cars increases, your Chantilly auto repair shop has stepped up to the plate; we’re training our employees and updating…

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Synthetic vs. Conventional Oil

The next time you walk into your local Northern Virginia auto repair shop for an oil change you will be asked the question, “Synthetic or Conventional?” For many, it may just come down to price and yes, conventional or regular oil is cheaper. But let’s look at the long term cost effectiveness and benefits to your vehicle’s performance and longevity. Should you make this decision based on price alone? No, and here’s why: For many years, choosing your oil was dependent on its viscosity. If you were living in cold climates, for instance, high viscosity oils did not flow well…

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Dead car battery in the summer?

When you think of your car’s battery, most think of the cold winter’s low temperatures compromising its life. But the truth is, the summer’s high heat can really do even more damage. Actually, it can kill your battery 33% faster than the winter chill. So it is important to have your car’s electrical system and battery checked by your professional auto mechanic at least every six months. As you enter into the summer season, the effects the summer heat can have on your car and its battery are numerous. When the temperatures rise, your battery’s strength decrease. First, the heat…

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You Might Be Ready for Summer Travel…But is your Car?

It’s time for the family road trip, you are all packed and ready to enjoy a beautiful time together. The last thing anyone would want is car trouble. Can you imagine? It’s hot, miserable, bumper-to-bumper traffic, and your family and you are stranded on the side of a 100+ degree interstate? Not fun and certainly not the way you want to begin a vacation. One of the best things to do before any long road trip is to have a pre-trip vehicle check to get your car ready for the long haul. As important as it is to pack your…

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Hybrid Car Repair

Hybrid cars emit less to even no greenhouse gases, travel on less fuel and reduces your dependence on oil. Hybrid cars can produce 90 percent less pollutants than comparable non-hybrid cars. Most people who are looking for an alternative to the conventional vehicle and for better fuel efficiency will turn to the hybrid cars. Many hybrid cars have a gas efficiency that is double that of conventional gasoline-only models, which provides a significant cost savings for the user. And additionally, hybrid vehicle cars tend to be less polluting during use. Most companies that build hybrid vehicle cars are environmentally conscious…

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What To Do When Your Check Engine Light in Chantilly Goes On

Many people have experienced this all too familiar scenario… Your driving in Chantilly Va. traffic home with hungry, cranky kids in the pouring rain and what happens? Suddenly you see the bright colors of the check engine light pop on. Your heart begins to beat faster, your palms are sweating, should you pull over? Should you wait, go home and ignore? What if it’s serious? What if it’s not? What should you do? What could it mean? If you’re anything like me, I would like to hear from a knowledgeable expert the best thing to do at that moment and…

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