Should I Repair My Car or Buy a New One ?

Something goes wrong with your car and you’re faced with a high repair bill. It would be nice to get a new car, but is that the smartest decision? Would you be better off fixing your current ride, or is it really time to buy a new one? The answers to these questions will vary, so let me give you some information that might help you make a more informed decision. REASON TO FIX YOUR CURRENT VEHICLE. If you aren’t sure if fixing it is the right thing to do, here are a few reasons why it is a good…

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Best Automotive Tips and Tricks!

Summer can be tough on cars, especially during high temperatures when heat can destroy batteries and stress the cooling system and tires. As a precaution, these vehicle components should be checked periodically during summer to help avoid breakdowns and car problems, according to the Car Care Council. LIFE OF YOUR BATTERY Excessive heat and overcharging shorten the life of a battery. Heat causes battery fluid to evaporate, which then damages the internal structure of the battery. A malfunctioning component in the charging system, usually the voltage regulator, allows too high a charging rate, which will eventually destroy a battery. To…

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